Week 5-6 Editorial Illustration Introduction

Illustration in the publishing industry is extremely valuable even with the competition of photography. Editorial illustrations principle function is to be symbiotic with journalism contained in a few pages of newspaper and magazine text. Typical the newspaper embodies the beliefs of its society, usual in the western countries, where illustration is used to help explain columns about politics, sport and general news updates. Many broadsheets and tabloids publish, colour supplements which are often published on a weekly or monthly basis. These often contain articles surrounding lifestyle, and clearly benefit from and are enriched by a coloured illustration. However, some do adapt more serious subject matters. For an illustrator to have their work reprinted thousands of times in a newspaper/magazine in high circulation is in some respect a sign that they have ‘made it’ in the creative industry, that hopefully someone will pick up on work for future employment. However, such work does have restricted use and a limited shelf life, but at the time is relevant and in mind of society. Although some illustration does not provide much intellectual engagements it does provide a light release, or amusements, subjects such as paranormal experiences, tattoo trends, teaching- how to do articles, dieting and cooking. Magazine illustration represents all types of cultures, social status, occupation and moral opinions, and is therefore an important part of our communication.

Fig 1- Artist Kerry Churcher

Here are a few examples of the different styles editorial illustrators use. 

Bex Glover is a Bristol-based illustrator, who specialises in editorial and advertisement projects. Below are images from a Digital Artist magazine she illustrated for to showcase ways in which other designers could experiment with stylised illustration. 
                                                                                     Fig 2
                                                               Fig 3
Fig 4
Fig 5
Image References

Fig 1- Kerrychurcher.co.uk. (2016). the Guardian editorial : Kerry Churcher. [online] Available at: http://kerrychurcher.co.uk/home/index.php?/ed/guides-to-vintage-2010/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016]
Fig 2- Severn Studios. (2016). Digital Artist Magazine 18. [online] Available at: http://www.severnstudios.co.uk/digital-artist-magazine-18/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].

Fig 3- Severn Studios. (2016). Digital Artist Magazine 18. [online] Available at: http://www.severnstudios.co.uk/digital-artist-magazine-18/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
Fig 4- Aaronmillerillustration.com. (2016). Computer Arts Magazine. [online] Available at: http://aaronmillerillustration.com/computer-arts-magazine [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
Fig 5- Aaronmillerillustration.com. (2016). Computer Arts Magazine. [online] Available at: http://aaronmillerillustration.com/computer-arts-magazine [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].


  • Hoogslagk, Jeanne, 2015, Thesis, On the Persistence of a Modest Medium The Role of Editorial Illustration in Print and Online Media PhD thesis, Royal College of Art
  • MALE, A. (2007). Illustration: a theoretical and contextual perspective. Lausanne, AVA Academia
  • Severn Studios. (2016). Home. [online] Available at: http://www.severnstudios.co.uk [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016
  • Aaronmillerillustration.com. (2016). Projects. [online] Available at: http://aaronmillerillustration.com/projects [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
  • Aaronmillerillustration.com. (2016). Computer Arts Magazine. [online] Available at: http://aaronmillerillustration.com/computer-arts-magazine [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
  • Severn Studios. (2016). Digital Artist Magazine 18. [online] Available at: http://www.severnstudios.co.uk/digital-artist-magazine-18/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].
  • Severn Studios. (2016). Digital Artist Magazine 18. [online] Available at: http://www.severnstudios.co.uk/digital-artist-magazine-18/ [Accessed 11 Nov. 2016].

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